Eugene Schoener
Office Address
Departments of Pharmacology and Psychiatry & Behavioral Neurosciences
Wayne State University School of Medicine
3901 Chrysler Dr., Ste. 1B
Detroit, Michigan 48201
As his interest in substance abuse and mental health grew over the years, Dr. Schoener’s academic focus migrated from cellular/molecular mechanisms of drug action in the central nervous system to clinical consequences and treatment of addictive and other psychiatric disorders. His early work concentrated on mechanistic considerations of neuro/psychoactive substances, from pyrogens and antipyretic agents to alcohol, cocaine and neurotransmitters involved in central drug action.
While still conducting in vivo electrophysiological/neuropharmacological studies on single neurons in the brain, Dr. Schoener founded the Wayne State University Addiction Research Institute (ARI) to promote scholarly research, training and service on the prevention and treatment of addictive disorders. As Director of ARI for over 15 years, Dr. Schoener extended his research into clinical, educational, and social settings including, for example, studies on: a) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder; b) detection of abused drugs in oral fluid specimens; c) effectiveness of professional training on substance abuse; d) effectiveness of motivationally-based, integrated treatment for mentally-ill substance abusers; and e) evaluation of therapeutic jurisprudence as a tool for substance abuse intervention. His commitment to educate health care professionals about drug abuse led Dr. Schoener to create a multidisciplinary graduate certificate program in Alcohol and Drug Abuse Studies, a training program on Co-occurring Disorders for professionals in the community mental health system, and several Faculty Development Programs at Wayne State University and the Univeristy of Michigan.
More recently, Dr. Schoener served as Executive Director of the WSU Project CARE, a unit of 12 academic and professional staff who provided consultation and support services such as innovative program design and evaluation, Data management and analysis, Policy and Organizational analysis for the Wayne County Community Mental Health Agency.
B.S. Biology, City College of New York, 1964
M.S. Physiology & Biochemistry, Rutgers University, 1965
Ph.D. Physiology, Rutgers University, 1970
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Neuropharmacology, College of Physicians & Surgeons, Columbia University, 1970-73
Career Teacher Fellowship in Substance Abuse, NIAAA, 1979-82
- Schoener E.P. and Frankel, H.M. Effect of Hyperthermia and PaCO2 on the Slowly Adapting StretchReceptor. Amer J Physiol 221:68-72, 1972.
- Schoener, E.P. and Wang, S.C. Leukocytic Pyrogen and Sodium Acetylsalicylate on Preoptic-AnteriorHypothalamic Neurons in the Cat. Amer J Physiol 229:185-190, 1975
- Schoener, E.P. and Wang, S.C. Effect of Locally Administered Prostaglandin E2 on AnteriorHypothalamic Neurons. Brain Res 117:157-162, 1976.
- Schoener, E.P. Ethanol Effects on Striatal Neuron Activity. Alcoholism: Clin Exp Res 8:266-268, 1984.
- Schoener, E.P. and Elkins, D.P. Neuronal Response to Dopamine in Rat Neostriatum: A Push-PullPerfusion Study. Neuropharmacology 23:611-616, 1984.
- Nantwi, K.D., and Schoener, E.P. Effects of Cocaine and Dopaminergic Agents on Neuronal Activity inRat Neostriatum. Neuropharmacology 32:807-17, 1993.
- Ergene, E. and Schoener, E.P. Effects of Harmane on Neurons in the Nucleus Accumbens of the Rat.Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 44:951-7, 1993.
- Shivapuja, B.G., Gu, Z-P, Liu, S.Y., Saunders, S., and Schoener, E.P. Effects of Repeated CocaineInjections on Cochlear Function. Brain Research, 668:230-38, 1994.
- Hill, J.C. and Schoener, E.P. The Age-Dependent Decline of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry, 153:1143-46, 1996
- Oliansky, D.M., Wildenhaus, K.J., Manlove, K., Arnold, T., and Schoener, E.P. Effectiveness of Brief Interventions in Reducing Substance Abuse Among At-Risk Primary Care Patients in Three Community-Based Clinics. Substance Abuse 18(3):95-104, 1997.
- Popp, S.M., Schwartz, K.L. and Schoener, E.P. Brief Intervention in Hazardous Drinking: An Important Adjunct to Medical School ATOD Curriculum. Substance Abuse 19(1):1-6, 1998.
- Nantwi, K.D., Hicks, S., Bradley, Jr., D., and Schoener, E.P. Interactions of Buprenorphine and Selective Dopamine Receptor Antagonists in the Rat Nucleus Accumbens, General Pharmacology 31(3):425-29, 1998.
- Schubiner, H., Tzelepis, A., Millberger, F., Lockhart, N., Kruger, M., Kelley, B.J. and Schoener, E.P., Prevalence of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity and Conduct Disorder Among Substance Abusers, J Clin Psychiatry, 61:244-251, 2000.
- Helmus, T.C., Saules, K.K., Schoener, E. P. and Roll, J. M. Reinforcement of counseling attendanceand alcohol abstinence in a community-based dual-diagnosis treatment program: a feasibility study.Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 17(3): 249-251, 2003.
- Baer, J.S., Ball, S.A., Campbell, B.K., Miele, G.M., Schoener, E.P., Tracy, K. Training and FidelityMonitoring of Behavioral Interventions in Multi-Site Addictions Research: A Review, Drug andAlcohol Dependence, 87:107-118, 2007.
- Schoener, E.P., Madeja, C.L., Henderson, M.J., Ondersma, S.J., and Janisse, J. Effects of TrainingMental Health Therapists on Motivational Interviewing for Co-Occurring Disorders. Drug andAlcohol Dependence, 82:269-75, 2006.
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