Samson Jamesdaniel
Assistant Professor, Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (IEHS)
Samson Jamesdaniel
Office Address
6135 Woodward Avenue, IBio Rm. 2127
Detroit, MI - 48202
Office Phone
Redox sensitive molecular mechanisms play an important role in the regulation of cellular damage in acquired hearing loss induced by noise exposure, ototoxic drugs, and aging.
- Noise is a pervasive environmental stressor, which induces oxidative stress to affect the physiological as well as psychological well-being. My laboratory employs a proteomic approach to elucidate redox sensitive signaling mechanisms/pathways that regulate noise-induced hearing impairment as well as stress response. We are also interested in identifying the interaction between genetic and environmental factors that play an important role in determining the susceptibility to noise-induced hearing loss.
- Cisplatin is a commonly used anti-cancer drug, whose major side-effects include ototoxicity. Cisplatin induces nitration of cochlear proteins, an indicator of oxidative damage to proteins, and we identified the most abundant nitrated cochlear protein as LMO4, a transcriptional regulator. My laboratory is interested in delineating the signaling mechanism by which nitration of LMO4 alters its biological activity to induce cellular apoptosis and mediate cochlear cell death.
Ph.D., (2006, Physiology) - University of Madras, Chennai, India.
M.D., (2001, Alternative Medicine) - Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University, Chennai, India.
- Jamesdaniel S, Rathinam R, Neumann WL. Targeting nitrative stress for attenuating cisplatin-induced downregulation of cochlear LIM domain only 4 and ototoxicity. Redox Biol. 2016. 10: 257-265.
- Manohar S, Jamesdaniel S, Ding D, Salvi R, Seigel G, Roth, J. Quantitative PCR analysis and protein distribution of drug transporter genes in the rat cochlea. Hear Res. 2016. 332, 46-54.
- Rathinam R, Ghosh S, Neumann WL, Jamesdaniel S. Cisplatin-induced apoptosis in auditory, renal, and neuronal cells is associated with nitration and downregulation of LMO4. Cell Death Discovery 2015. 1, 15052.
- Jamesdaniel S. Downstream targets of Lmo4 are modulated by cisplatin in the inner ear of Wistar rats. PLoS One. 2014. 9(12): e115263.
- Alagramam KN, Stepanyan R, Jamesdaniel S, Chen DH, Davis RR. Noise exposure immediately activates cochlear mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling. Noise Health. 2014. 16: 400-409.
- Jamesdaniel S, Manohar S, Hinduja S. Is S-nitrosylation of cochlear proteins a critical factor in cisplatin-induced ototoxicity? Antioxid Redox Signal. 2012. 17: 929- 933.
- Jamesdaniel S, Coling D, Hinduja S, Ding D, Li J, Cassidy L, Seigel M, Qu J, Salvi R. Cisplatin-induced ototoxicity is mediated by nitroxidative modification of cochlear proteins characterized by nitration of Lmo4. J Biol Chem. 2012. 287: 18674-18686.