Christopher Kassotis
Assistant Professor of Environmental Health Sciences and of Pharmacology
Christopher Kassotis
Office Address
2111 Integrative Biosciences Center (IBio)
6135 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, MI 48202
Our lab is focused on identifying and characterizing endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and mixtures, as well as their potential impacts on human/animal health - with a particular focus on metabolic health (e.g. obesity, etc.). My research uses a mixture of cell culture assays, zebrafish, and sometimes mouse models to identify and characterize molecular mechanisms underlying potential impacts on human and animal health. To that end, my research is currently evaluating common ethoxylated surfactants (used in a lot of household detergents and hard surface cleaners) for their potential metabolic health impacts; diverse environmental mixtures (household dust, silicone wristbands, unconventional oil and gas/fracking fluids and wastewater, etc.) for their potential role in disrupting health; and working to better understand complex environmental mixtures through mechanistic, analytical, computational, and statistical approaches.
Kassotis Lab Website (Positions available now!)
B.S, Biology, Keene State College, 2008
PhD., Biology (Endocrinology), University of Missouri, 2015
Postdoc, Environmental Toxicology, Duke University, 2015-2020
Faculty Status
Joint, ToxicologyCourses taught by Christopher Kassotis
Fall Term 2023
Winter Term 2023
Recent university news spotlights
- Every day, we’re exposed to chemicals that can affect our health
- Wayne State professor awarded Lou Guillette Jr. Outstanding Young Investigator Award
- Thousands of food contact chemicals detected in humans
- Presentation on potential link between broken LCD screens and obesity wins Three-Minute Thesis Competition