Acacia Farber-Krug
Acacia Farber-Krug earned a B.S. in Neuroscience with a minor in Chemistry from St. Lawrence University in Canton, NY. During her undergraduate career, she worked with C. elegans developing a novel nanoparticle treatment for neurodegenerative diseases. She also learned and taught confocal microscopy and other research techniques, passing on her research and developing new protocols including how to image live C. elegans. She joined the MICR (Microscopy, Imaging, Cytometry Research) core in 2020 navigating the new position through various COVID protocols.
During the summer of 2022, the core inherited a Zeiss Gemini300 Electron microscope with 3D volume imaging capabilities and Acacia was given full responsibility to manage the new instrument. She was sent to an EMBO training course to learn from world experts in Lausanne, Switzerland as well as a week-long shadow/training with Alice Liang from the NYU Langone Microscopy core in New York City. With information from these trainings, in addition to many more, Acacia has developed and established an Electron Microscopy Core. Her responsibilities include receiving samples for electron microscopy, staining and processing samples, semi-thin and ultra-thin ultramicrotomy sectioning, critical point drying, sputter coating, block face preparation, imaging using ATLAS for array tomography, Gatan 3View imaging, SEM imaging, TEM imaging, and image analysis. She is also responsible for training faculty, staff, and students on confocal, spinning disk, and light microscopes, as well as an Incucyte system, and a VectraPolaris slide imager. She is an expert in confocal image analysis and enjoys working with users on experimental design, troubleshooting, and other problem-solving that arise in the lab.