
Winter 2024 

Fridays at 1pm, 6364 Scott Hall and on Zoom. Meeting ID: 914 6247 8941 Passcode: 516182

Lunch with graduate students and postdocs 12-1pm for external speakers; seminars 1-2pm, unless otherwise noted.






01/12/24 Stephen Lanier, Ph.D. Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Wayne State University "Integration of 'omics' discovery platforms to dissect signal processing networks for targeted therapeutics"
Lunch w/ Trainees
Dana Dolinoy, Ph.D. NSF International Chair of Environmental Health Sciences, University of Michigan “ToxicoEpigenetics & the Use of piRNA for Precision Environmental Health Research”

Lunch w/ Trainees

Brian Cummings, Ph.D. Dean, Wayne State University Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences "Lipidomic-based approaches to advance our understanding of the Neurotoxic Mechanisms of Action of Brominated Flame-Retardants"
Lunch w/ Trainees
Heather Calderone, Ph.D.  Director of Research and Grants, American Brain Tumor Association

“Working with Purpose: A Scientific Career in Non-profit”

Lunch w/ Trainees
James Burkett, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Department of Neuroscience, University of Toledo Health Sciences Center TBD
02/16/24 Andrew Garrett, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Wayne State University Workshop
02/23/24 James Jackson, M.F.A, M.A. Academic Services Officer, Department of Pharmacology, Wayne State University Graduate Student Luncheon and Testimonials
03/01/24 Moustafa El-Araby Dawoud, Ph.D. CEO of ViveGen LLC Innovations "Aldehyde and Non-Aldehyde Allosteric Hemoglobin Modifiers"
03/08/24 No Seminar    
03/15/24 No Seminar Spring Break  
Lunch w/ Trainees
Peijian He,  Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Digestive Diseases, Emory University "Iron and liver disease - a vicious cycle"
Lunch w/ Trainees
Johnathan Whetstine, Ph.D. Professor, Director, Cancer Epigenetics Institute, Fox Chase Cancer Center "Epigenetics: A Gatekeeper for DNA Amplification and Rearrangements”
04/05/24 Roxanne Bérubé, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Researcher, The Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Wayne State University

"Chemical mixtures from household dust disrupt metabolic health, neurodevelopment and gene expression in developmentally exposed zebrafish"
Christy Copeland, Pharm.D. Medical Strategist, Medical Affairs, BioLineRx
Application of Stem Cell Mobilization for Sickle Cell Disease (SCD)
Lunch w/ Trainees
Lawrence Lash, Ph.D. Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Wayne State University "Glutathione and Mitochondrial Function in the Kidneys: From Mechanistic Toxicology to Biomarker Discovery"
Lunch w/ Trainees
Joanna Sutton, Ph.D.

Advisor and Research Scientist at Eli Lilly and Company

Wayne State University, Pharmacology Alumni

"Advice for Navigating a Career in Industry"
Lunch w/ Trainees
Subham Dasgupta, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Clemson University "Uncovering mechanisms of flame retardant developmental toxicity using zebrafish as a model"
Lunch w/ Trainees
Nnenna U. Badamosi, M.D., M.P.H. Director, Clinical Development "Overview of Gene Therapies in Sickle Cell Disease (SCD)"