Faculty salary savings incentive program

The Department of Pharmacology at WSU-SOM is proud to announce the Pharmacology Faculty Salary Savings Incentive Program.

Each fiscal year, the Department receives a portion of the salary savings from faculty who have committed effort to external grants. The general formula for the amount of savings that the Department receives each year is as follows. (In recent years, we have been in the 11-20% bracket.)

  • 0‐10%, Department retains 25% of Salary Savings 
  • 11‐20%, Department retains 35% of Salary Savings 
  • 21‐30%, Department retains 45% of Salary Savings 
  • 31‐40%, Department retains 55% of Salary Savings 

The Budget Committee of Pharmacology has agreed to institute the following plan:

  • For each faculty member from whom the Department receives salary savings, the Department will give back to that faculty member in the form of a direct deposit 15% of the received amount.
    • This amount will be calculated based on the total salary savings that were brought in by each specific faculty member to the Department during the prior fiscal year.
    • The amount and the calculations for each faculty member will be announced to them in January of each calendar year.
    • The deposit will be completed before end of February of that calendar year.
  • For those faculty from whom the Department does not receive salary savings (e.g., IEHS faculty), but who bring in indirect costs to the Department, the Department will award them with 7.5% of the indirect costs that we receive (the Department receives 50% of the departmental allocation of indirects from faculty with joint or tenure retreats). 
  • This program will continue until Sept 30, 2027 (the end-date for Sokol’s term as Chair).
  • This program will be discontinued if the University or the SOM institute a similar program.
  • For Fiscal Year 2023: we will calculate your amounts January 2024 and the deposits will be done in February 2024.

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