Pegi Laci inducted into Phi Beta Kappa

Congratulations to Ms. Pegi Laci, who was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa, the nation's oldest academic honor society.

Ms. Laci is an undegraduate honors thesis student in Dr. Alyson Sujkowski's lab. When requested to select "the one faculty member or staff person who has been an especially important influence during this educational journey," Ms. Laci selected Dr. Sujkowski as her honored mentor.

Phi Beta Kappa, founded December 5, 1776, celebrates and advocates excellence in the liberal arts and sciences, consistently proving to be a highly selective national honor: Only 10% of universities are awarded a Phi Beta Kappa chapter, and no school may elect more than 10% of a graduating class. About one college senior out of 100 nationwide will be invited to join Phi Beta Kappa each year. 

The Department of Pharmacology congratulates Ms. Pegi Laci for the honor of being inducted into Phi Beta Kappa and acknowledges Dr. Alyson Sujkowski's contributions to the educational environment that fosters academic growth and development. Well done.

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